Shocking Secrets About Births and Birth Certificates (Article–Video)

| May 25, 2020

By Pao Chang, author of

Below is the transcript of the video. Please be aware that the transcript does not have all the information in the video.

Hi and welcome to my channel Esoteric Knowledge. I am Pao, the living man who is peaceable and spiritual and has God-given rights. Today, I am going to take you on a short journey to explore births and birth certificates. Without taking anymore of your time, let us begin our journey.

Did you know that hundreds of thousands of babies are born on Earth every day? In most countries, shortly after babies are born, their fathers and mothers are told and sometimes even pressured by government agents to register their births. This process allows the government to create a birth certificate for each newborn baby.

In this fascinating video, I am going to teach you some shocking and interesting secrets about births and birth certificates. To uncover these secrets, we need to investigate the term "birth certificate" and use the art of word magic to decipher it. The term "birth certificate" is made up of two words which are "birth" and "certificate". Phonetically, the word "birth" sounds like the word "berth". According to, the word berth means, "Sufficient space for a vessel to maneuver"; it can also mean, "A space for a vessel to dock or anchor" (bold emphasis added).

On a deeper level, the words "birth" and "berth" are related. They are related because they have a strong connection to vessels, also known as ships. The word vessel is defined by as, "a large boat or ship" or "a person who has a particular quality or who is used for a particular purpose" (bold emphasis added). In other words, a vessel or a ship can be used to represent a human body.

Because the words "birth" and "berth" are related and have a strong connection to vessels, and a vessel can be used to represent a human body, when a woman is "giving" birth, she is said to be "delivering" a baby. The base form of the word "delivering" is "deliver". According to, the word deliver means, "to carry and turn over (letters, goods, etc.) to the intended recipient or recipients" or "to give into another's possession or keeping; surrender" (bold emphasis added).

Remember, when a woman is "giving" birth, she is said to be "delivering" a baby. Therefore, her act of delivering her baby means that she surrenders her baby to the intended recipient which is the doctor. Remember, the word deliver means, "to carry and turn over (letters, goods, etc.) to the intended recipient or recipients" or "to give into another's possession or keeping; surrender" (bold emphasis added). A word that has a strong connection to the word "deliver" is "delivery". Black's Law Dictionary (sixth edition) defines the word delivery using these exact words:

Delivery. The act by which the res or substance thereof is placed within the actual or constructive possession of control of another. Poor v. American Locomotive Co., C.C.A.Ill., 67 F.2d 626, 630. What constitutes delivery depends largely on the intent of the parties. It is not necessary that delivery should be by manual transfer, Jones v. Young, Tex.Civ.App., 539 S.W.2d 901, 904; e.g. "deliver" includes mail. Rev. Model Bus. Corp. Act, § 1.40.

In a hospital, rooms that are equipped for delivering babies are called delivery rooms. When a woman is giving birth in a delivery room, she is about to deliver her baby to a doctor and temporarily surrender her baby to be used as a product of a ship. This is why the doctor is also called the "doc". The word doc is phonetically dock, meaning "a structure built out over water in a port along which ships can land to load and unload, or the enclosed area of water between two such structures" (bold emphasis added).

The doctor's task is to dock the baby after he comes out of his mother's birth "canal". The term "birth canal" sounds almost the same, if not the same, as the term "berth canal". A canal is an artificial waterway that is used by a captain of a ship to berth his vessel. In other words, when a woman is giving birth, she is being guided by the doctor to dock her vessel or body, so she can deliver her baby through her birth canal. Hence, the term "birth canal" which is phonetically "berth canal". In other words, she is using her birth canal to deliver a product of a ship to a doctor, also known as a "doc" which is phonetically "dock".

When a ship is in the process of being docked, it is being guided to berth. The word berth is defined as, “A space for a vessel to dock or anchor”.1 Based on this information, when a product is unloaded from a ship and onto a dock, it just went through the berthing process which is the process of delivering the product from the vessel/ship onto the dock. This is why when a woman is in the process of giving birth she is said to be delivering a baby. Keep in mind that berth is phonetically birth. The birthing process of a baby is related to the process of delivering a product on a ship. Every woman has a body. Another word for body is vessel. A vessel can also be called a ship. The words body, vessel, and ship can all mean the same thing and be used to represent a woman’s body. This is why a ship is often referred to as “she” and the main ship is often called the “mother ship”. [Source: Word Magic: The Powers and Occult Definitions of Words (second edition)]

After the baby is born, the doctor records the baby's personal information on the certificate of live birth and sends it to the government. The baby's personal information is used by the government to create his birth certificate. What most people do not know about a birth certificate is that it is a certificate of evidence of a birth of a ship or vessel. In other words, a birth certificate is a certificate of manifest. Like most certificates, a birth certificate has value. In a way, a birth certificate works similar to a stock certificate of a corporation.

To connect the dots, your birth certificate is a certificate of evidence of a birth of a ship. This ship is not you, the living man or woman made of flesh and blood; instead, it is your person in commerce, also known as your commercial vessel. When your person in commerce becomes a citizen, he is given a status known as citizenship, meaning "citizen of a ship". For example, United States citizens are citizens of the ship known as the United States of America (incorporated), which is a registered and chartered corporation.

Having a person in commerce or a commercial vessel is not such a bad thing because it makes it easier for you to travel on the sea of commerce, also known as the realm of international trade. However, when you do not know how to properly use your commercial vessel, you can get lost at sea and be misidentified as a corporation, also known as an artificial person, which is a dead body.

One of the ways that people improperly use their birth certificates is by using them as identifications. When people do this, in law, they convert themselves into products or franchises of a corporate ship, allowing the government to presume that they are corporations, which are dead entities. In legalese, these corporate dead entities are called persons.

When you were a baby, your mother and father most likely used your birth certificate to create your identification, converting you into a franchise of a corporation. This was a big mistake! This mistake allows the government to presume that you are a dead entity with no God-given rights, giving the government the legal right to claim you as its property. This is why the government can force you to pay taxes and charge you with fines for breaking its laws.

When most people find out about the mistake thereof, they like to blame the government. However, it is not really the government's fault. The unlawful conversion of living people into dead persons would not have happened to people without the act of using their birth certificates as identifications.

Thank you for watching my video. If you like my video, please give it a thumbs up and support me by subscribing to my channel. For the people who are interested in learning very deep and empowering esoteric knowledge, go to my website and become a member. Also, check out my book Word Magic. Thank you again for watching and I will see you in the next video.

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