
EsotericKnowledge Products

The LOVE of Money is EVOL: How to Become the Master of Money is an enlightening book that reveals important principles about wealth, money, and wisdom. Dive into the captivating realm of money—a profound invention that has shaped civilizations and ignited revolutions across time. From its enigmatic origins to its pervasive influence on religion, economics, politics, science, and technology, money stands as man’s ultimate conduit to progress and prosperity. Take away money and the very fabric of society unravels, reducing man’s standard of living to that of the stone age.

Yet, beyond its tangible form lies a deeper truth: money is the vessel for harnessing a nation’s economic energy. Those who grasp this fundamental truth wield the power to navigate its currents and amass wealth on an unprecedented scale. It is not merely a tool for exchange but a symbol of energy that, when wielded with the wisdom of God, can miraculously transform lives and nations alike. Embark on a journey to mastery, where the secrets of wealth and abundance await those who dare to seek them.

The LOVE of Money is EVOL: How to Become the Master of Money is currently available as a paperback (113 pages) or ebook. To preview and buy it, visit or the Amazon site of your country.

Word Magic: Born Again is a very empowering and eye-opening book that takes you down the rabbit hole to explore the Scripture, words, magic, and legalese. This magical journey will reveal how God used the Word to create the heavens and the earth. It will also teach you how words are used to empower or disempower you. Once you learn how powerful words are and know how to apply them into your life wisely, you can use them to exercise your spiritual authority, manifest your desires, overcome your fears, command governments, and inspire kings to bow to you with awe and reverence.

Word Magic: Born Again is currently available as a paperback (233 pages) or ebook. To preview and buy it, visit or the Amazon site of your country. It is also available at For other online bookstores, click on this link.

Free Books

  1. Ancient Law by Henry Maine
  2. Everything in Commerce is Fictional
  3. Fingerprint Signatures (A Word of Caution Concerning Their Use)
  4. Laws of the Bible
  5. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
  6. The Book of the Hundreds
  7. The Divine Right of Kings
  8. The Errant Sovereign's Handbook
  9. The Esoteric Structure of the Alphabet
  10. The Law
  11. The Power of Words by Richard Anthony
  12. Word Magic: Born Again (Preface & Chapter 7)