My Response to the Critics of Word Magic (Article–Video)

| March 2, 2022

By Pao Chang, author of

Below is the transcript of the video. Please be aware that the transcript may not have all the information in the video.

Hi and welcome to Esoteric Knowledge. My name is Pao and I am the peaceable, living, and spiritual man endowed by our heavenly Father with God-given rights. Over the past several months, people have been commenting about my book Word Magic more than usual. Some of them have commented that some of the information in my book contradicts some of the information in my recent articles and videos, so in this video I am going to share some information to shed some light on those comments.

Word Magic is a very unique book because it examines and explores words from many different angles. To be more specific, Word Magic is written like a magical story of wordplay that looks at words and definitions like a trail of breadcrumbs that leads the main character back to a source, so that he can discover the truth.

If you want to find the truth, follow the evidence or the trail of breadcrumbs and it will lead you to the truth. A word or each letter of a word is like a breadcrumb or an evidence that leads you further from the truth or closer to the truth. The breadcrumbs are often hidden in the letters and definitions of words, so if you want to know the truth, pay attention to letters and words, and study their definitions and origins.

The paperback version of the first edition of Word Magic was published in September 2017 and the second edition was published in October 2019. Since I published those two editions, some people have said that the information in my recent articles and videos contradicts the information in my book Word Magic. Some of them were even angry at me for believing that Jesus came in the flesh and walked among us.

When I wrote the first edition and second edition of Word Magic, I was not born again yet. Because of this, I would sometimes question if Jesus really walked among us and died for man's sin. Furthermore, I would sometimes question the Holy Bible. Because of my lack of faith in the Word of God, my mind was vulnerable to the spells of Satan, allowing his spells to program my mind through TV programs and false religions.

In the year 2020, God revealed some important revelations to me, causing my faith in Jesus and the Holy Bible to increase significantly. The following year, which was the year 2021, God revealed some very empowering revelations to me; those revelations were so life-changing that they inspired me to confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ was my Lord and Savior. I was born again that same year. To be born again means to be born of the Spirit; therefore, anyone who is born again is a child of God and is spiritually alive. I now know why no one can save man from eternal punishment, except Jesus, the Son of God. I talked about this in more detail in my video The Holy Bible: The Power to Command the Government.

When God reveals revelations to you, it is like experiencing an epiphany; therefore, it is impossible to not change. Anyone who has experienced revelations from God knows what I am talking about. Because God's revelations have changed me, I no longer hold on to my old beliefs. This is why since 2020 the information in my articles and videos have changed, and some of the information in my book Word Magic and some of the information in my old articles and videos contradict the information in my new articles and videos. That being said, Word Magic is still an empowering book and I still agree with about 90 percent of its information. Word Magic is empowering because it shows readers how the world is ruled by words; it also strengthens their awareness, allowing them to break the spells of word magic and free their minds of satanic programs.

Since I was born again, my calling to share the revelations of God and teach people to understand the mysteries of the Holy Bible has become stronger. I can feel my connection to God and the power of the Holy Ghost within me getting stronger every day. Because of this, I am planning to create a new channel in the near future to teach and preach the Word of God to people and show them how to decipher words, so that they can break the spells of word magic.

Over the next few months, I am planning to update Word Magic and then publish it as a new edition before the end of this year, hopefully before the end of this Summer. In that edition, I will update all the chapters and add some important information about Jesus, the Christ. This information will reveal why Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of man. It will also explain why Jesus is the key to leaving the artificial matrix of the dead.

Thank you for watching my video about my book Word Magic. If you enjoyed this video, please support me by subscribing to my channel and sharing this video. For more empowering esoteric knowledge related to this video, study the articles on my website Thank you again for watching and I will see you in the next video.

For more information related to this article–video, subscribe to my YouTube channel and Rumble channel, and read my enlightening book Word Magic. Furthermore, become a member of so you can access the private articles.

Repost Agreement: This article–video (My Response to the Critics of Word Magic) may be reposted on other websites, as long as the author's name and a clickable hyperlink to are included in said article–video. Please be aware that you are not allowed to modify the words and links of the article–video thereof, except to correct spelling and grammatical errors.

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