Are You a Man or a Human? Why Man’s Free Choice and Reason are His Redemption (Article–Video)

| April 7, 2021

By Pao Chang, author of

Below is the transcript of the video. Please be aware that the transcript may not have all the information in the video.

Selam and welcome to Esoteric Knowledge; my name is Pao and I am the peaceable, living, and spiritual man endowed by our heavenly Father with God-given rights. In this video, I am going to reveal some enlightening information about man's free choice and reason, and how they can help him achieve redemption.

The power of free will is one of God's highest gifts to man because it gives man the freedom to choose, giving man the power to become a king; with the power of free will, man can choose God and live under His Laws or Satan's delusive world and his arbitrary laws. Unfortunately, man's lack of knowledge of evil made him naive, allowing Satan to succumb him to temptation and disobey God's commandment not to eat the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. By disobeying God, man's consciousness became tainted with sin; because of this, man (male and female) was driven out of the garden of Eden.

The consequence of man's error was the temporary dormancy of his pure spiritual state, causing him to fall or descend into the lower world of matter. The fallen man is currently imprisoned in Satan's delusive world of matter; therefore, he is considered a human or a human being. It is important to be aware that the noun human being is synonymous with the phrase natural man. A natural man is a man who is earthly and secular; therefore, he lacks spiritual knowledge and discernment.

"The natural man is an enemy to God." (Mosiah 3:19) The Oxford English Dictionary has nearly three pages on the word "natural." A natural person is "one who is morally in a state of nature, in a purely natural condition, not altered or improved in any way." Natural matters are things "having their basis in the natural world or in the usual course of nature." [Source:]

The natural man, also known as human or human being, is the fallen man; he is the man who fell from heaven and became bound to a physical body; this event caused him to live in a natural and unregenerate state, mostly cut off from the presence of God. The natural man sees spiritual things as foolishness because he is not attuned to the Spirit of God, causing him to lack the power to discern things spiritually.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:12-14, KJV) [Bold emphasis added]

Man needs to stop thinking that spiritual things are foolishness, so he can use his power of free will wisely and receive the things of the Spirit of God; one of the powers that can help man become spiritual is his power to choose and use words wisely. For example, when a man says that he is a human or a human being, he agrees to act as a natural man because the noun human or human being is synonymous with the phrase natural man.

In law, a human being is also known as a natural person. It is important to remember that the word natural is opposed to the word spiritual; therefore, a natural man or a natural person is one who is in an unregenerate and unenlightened state; as a result, a natural man, natural person, or human being is not of God and is ignorant of spiritual knowledge.

A definition of natural person.

Black's Law Dictionary (Seventh Edition)

A natural man, natural person, or human being is a fallen man who believes that the world of matter is the true reality and his physical body is his true self; what he does not innerstand is that the true reality is the world of Spirit and his true self is his soul, which is a spiritual being created in the image of God. By believing that his physical body is his true self, he subconsciously binds himself to Satan's kingdom, making him a prisoner of the lower world of matter.

To find evidence that a natural man, also known as a natural person or a human, is a fallen man who is a prisoner of Satan's kingdom, we need to decipher the letters H and U in the word HUMAN (human). The letter H is the eighth letter of the English alphabet; this letter is derived from the het, the eighth letter of the proto-Sinaitic alphabet; the original sign of the het is shaped like a fence. The het, which is the origin of the letter H, originally means "enclosure," "closing," "barrier," or "wall."

The letter U is the twenty-first letter of the English alphabet and is derived from the vav, the sixth letter of the proto-Sinaitic alphabet. The original sign of the vav looks like an O with a straight handle. The vav, which is the origin of the letter U, originally means "hook, oar, nail, attachment, suspension"; therefore, "it is used to join two parties and keep them together" (bold emphasis added).

The letter vav allows man's divine energy to descend to the lower world of matter; therefore, when the letter U is added to the word MAN, it allows man's divine energy to travel downward to the material world. It is important to remember that the letter U "is used to join two parties and keep them together"; because of this, when the letter U is put between the letters H and M in the word HUMAN (H-U-MAN), it attaches or joins the word MAN (man) to the letter H, transforming the word MAN into the word HUMAN (human).

In the word HUMAN (human), one of the roles of the letter H is to act as a barrier to prevent man, referring to the man created in the image of God, from escaping the world of matter. Remember, the letter H is derived from the het, which originally means "enclosure," "closing," "barrier," or "wall"; this H or barrier is joined to man through the U, transforming man into human, also known as natural man, and binding him to the world of matter.

To connect the dots, a H-U-MAN/HUMAN (human) is a man who has descended (fallen) into the material world and is temporary bound to a human body; therefore, as long as he believes that he is a human, he is not a spiritual man, also known as a soul. Anyone who says that he is a human is not of God because a human is a natural man and not a spiritual man. Remember these words: Your belief and the words you speak determine the kingdom and the laws you live under.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:12-14, KJV) [Bold emphasis added]

It is important to remember that God is Spirit; it is also important to remember that God created man in His image and likeness; this means that man is spiritual because man was created in the image and likeness of God, the omniscient and eternal Spirit and Creator of the universe. The man created in the image of God is the spiritual man, also known as the soul, who is both male and female, just like God, the true Father of man; therefore, the spiritual man is not the natural man who is unspiritual. Because the spiritual man was created in the image of his heavenly Father, he has free will; as a result, his heavenly Father can redeem him only when he chooses to act in accordance with God's Law; to redeem man without allowing him to choose would be a violation of his free will.

Before God created the heavens and the earth, He created the letters of the alphabet in His mind and then combined those letters into words and sentences to create a polaric story of poetry; He then spoke the words of that poetic story into existence, creating the universe or uni-verse, meaning "one verse"; some of the first words that God spoke was "Let there be light." When He spoke those words, light manifested within the universe or the one verse. The word verse is defined by using these words: "writing that is arranged in short lines with a regular rhythm; poetry" (bold emphasis added). According to, the word poetry means "the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts."

Man lives in a poetry or poetic story made up of letters, words, sound, and light; this divine and magical story is sometimes referred to as The Greatest Story Every Told; this divine story was created by God to teach man important lessons and knowledge, so man can know good and evil, and mature his free will and power of reason, giving him the knowledge and experience to grow spiritually and become a son of God; however, because man has free will and lives in a polaric story, he has the power to choose between God or Satan.

Man stands in the middle between God and Satan; on his left side is Satan's kingdom of misery and death, and on his right side is God's kingdom of bliss and eternal life. Whichever direction man wishes to go, God is ready to guide him toward the light and Satan is ready to lure him toward the darkness. If man makes choices that resonate with the light, he automatically attracts more light into his life, strengthening his connection to God; if man makes choices that resonate with the darkness, he automatically attracts more darkness into his life, strengthening his connection to Satan.

Man has forgotten that he is the creator of his reality. When man suffers, it is because he has attracted too much darkness into his life by making bad decisions and allowing negative emotions, such as jealousy, anger, and lust, to control him. One of the powers that man can use to help him make the right decision is the power of reason. When man mature his power of reason and use it wisely, it will give him the knowledge to make the right decisions, allowing him to walk on the path of righteousness and live in harmony with God's Law, proving to God that he is ready for redemption. By choosing the path of righteousness and living in harmony with God's Law, man will achieve redemption and suffer no more.

Thank you for watching my video about man's free choice, power of reason, and redemption. If you enjoyed this video, please support me by subscribing to my channel and sharing this video. For more empowering esoteric knowledge related to this video, study the articles on my website Thank you again for watching and I will see you in the next video.

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