Author Archive: Pao Chang

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The Bible Code: Evidence That God Is the True Author of the Bible (Video)

| May 18, 2023

Is man the author of the Bible or is the Bible the Word of God? Let us tumble down the rabbit hole to explore the secret codes hidden in the Bible to see the evidence revealing that the true author of the Bible is God and not man.

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The Mystery of the Two Trees in the Midst of the Garden of Eden (Video)

| May 9, 2023

There are many hidden meanings behind the two trees in the midst of the garden of Eden. One of the most important meanings is related to the law that gives life and the law that condemns souls to eternal death. Understanding the mystery of the two trees is one of the keys to freeing your soul from the realm of the dead.

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Declaration and Testimony: How to Restore Your Dominion (Spiritual Authority) – Video

| April 22, 2023

This Declaration and Testimony is effective for restoring your dominion (spiritual authority) and establishing your divine status, which is a child of the Most High God. “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19, NKJV).

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My New Channel Revelation Knowledge (Video)

| April 5, 2023

Revelation Knowledge is a channel that shares God’s revelations and explores the spiritual meanings of the Word of God. This channel takes you down the rabbit hole to explore the power of words and the revelations of the Holy Bible. It also reveals the key to exit the matrix and shows you how to exercise your dominion and God-given rights.

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Revelation Knowledge: The Unveiling of the Mystery of God (Video)

| March 25, 2023

Revelation knowledge is one of the keys to victory and prosperity and understanding the mystery of the Word of God. Learn how revelation knowledge can empower your soul and help you manifest the kingdom of God on earth.

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Why the Debt System is Satanic and How to Free Yourself from Debt

| February 5, 2023

There was a time when the world was free of debt. During this time, the world only knew good because it was full of the goodness of God, the One who is absolutely good. In this good world, man did not have any debt and therefore lived in a world full of abundance and wealth. Every food in this good world was given to man free of charge, as well as every resource. God gave man dominion over this world that He created, which was biblically known as Eden. Man was supposed to rule over Eden and live forever without any debt. Unfortunately, he committed a sinful act, allowing sin, the source of debt, to enter man’s kingdom.

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The Origin and Occult Meaning of Christmas

| December 20, 2022

Christmas is one of the most popular holidays in the world. It is estimated that nearly two billion people around the world are planning to get together with families and friends to celebrate this holiday full of evergreen trees, colorful lights, delicious foods, and gifts. Sadly, most people have not taken the time to investigate the origin and occult meaning of Christmas and therefore have little or no clue that Christmas has a strong connection to the occult world.

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Word Magic: Born Again

| October 30, 2022

My new book Word Magic: Born Again is now available. All chapters have been updated significantly to reflect my new mind and born-again spirit. In addition, the chapter “Twenty Solutions to Free Mankind” was replaced with a new chapter full of spell-breaking knowledge. The empowering knowledge in this book has the power to unlock many doors of your mind, allowing you to explore a hidden world where you can use words to change the world and free your body, soul and spirit from the artificial matrix.

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How the Word Created the World

| August 16, 2022

Long before man walked upon the earth, and long before the heavens and the earth were created, there were God and the Word. Through the Word, God spoke the universe into manifestation. “Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light” (Genesis 1:3, NKJV). The light that God spoke into manifestation transformed into the physical universe. Everything in the physical universe is made through the Word because the Word carries the sound of God.

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The Crisis in Ukraine Will Lead to a Revival Worldwide (Article–Video)

| March 6, 2022

Over the last several days, the mainstream media has been broadcasting horrific images and videos about the crisis in Ukraine. Whenever the mainstream media gangs up on a group or a nation, it is a sign that the mainstream media is up to no good. The crisis in Ukraine is a sign that great change is coming and this change will cause a revival worldwide.

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