Did You Know Attorneys Are “Legalese Players” of the Dead? (Article–Video)

| July 29, 2019

By Pao Chang, author of EsotericKnowledge.me

Below is the transcript of the video. Please be aware that the transcript does not have all the information in the video.

Hi and welcome to my channel Esoteric Knowledge. I am Pao, the living man who is peaceable and spiritual and has natural rights. Before we begin our short journey, keep in mind that if you like my video please give it a thumbs up. That being said, let us begin our exciting journey!

Most people know that the word attorney is used to define a person who practices law and is trained in the art of legalese. However, they do not realize that attorneys are "legalese players" of the dead. To find evidence of this, we need to first study some of the definitions of the word attorney. By doing this, we will uncover important information about the hidden roles of attorneys.

According to Dictionary.com, the word attorney means "a lawyer; attorney-at-law" or "an attorney-in-fact; agent". Black's Law Dictionary (5th edition) defines the word attorney using these words:

In the most general sense this term denotes an agent or substitute, or one who is appointed and authorized to act in the place or stead of another. ... An agent, or one acting on behalf of another. ... In its most common usage, however, unless a contrary meaning is clearly intended, this term means "attorney at law", "lawyer" or "counselor at law".

According to A New Dictionary of the English Language (1839), the word attorney means "an agent, or one acting in the turn, or stead of another: in battle, at a tourn, or tourney; in law or other business" (bold emphasis added). The same dictionary defines the word tourn using these words: "A martial or military sport or entertainment, in which the performers displayed their skill in the management of their horses in turning, returning, wheeling, during the engagement or encounter". It can also mean "A court held by the sheriff" (bold emphasis added). Dictionary.com defines the word tourney as "a tournament".

What do people do on a court or at a tournament? They play sports and games, such as basketball, tennis, chess, or poker. Unlike basketball players or poker players, attorneys play the game called legalese and therefore are "legalese players". This game of legalese is played in a courtroom. Did you notice the word court in the word courtroom?

When you walk into a courtroom, you are about to play a game of legalese. This is why the judge is also known as the administrator, which is like a referee, and the agent acting for the defendant is called the attorney. Remember, the word attorney means "an agent, or one acting in the turn, or stead of another: in battle, at a tourn, or tourney; in law or other business" (bold emphasis added).

The word attorney (attorn-ey) is strongly connected to the word attorn. A Dictionary of Law (1889) defines the word attorn using these exact words: "To turn over; to transfer service to a new lord; to recognize as landlord the transferee of a leasehold". According to Etymonline.com, in feudal law, the word attorn means "to transfer homage or allegiance to another lord" (bold emphasis added).

Today, most, if not all, countries still operate under feudal law which is a law of feudalism. Because of this, when you hire an attorney, especially a Bar attorney, you temporarily agree, whether you realize it or not, "to transfer homage or allegiance to another lord".

The lord of attorneys is the dead which is made of corporations. The word corporations can be abbreviated as corps which is phonetically corpse, meaning "a dead body". This is why the word corporation is legally defined as "an artificial person". Keep in mind that by definition states are corporations.

Judges and attorneys work for the State which is a corporation. In other words, they work for a dead body. This is one of the reasons that judges wear black robes. The color black represents death. Judges are like Grim Reapers who know the art of word magic which is why when they walk into the courtroom they say, "all rise". Judges say this because they are raising the dead which are made of corporations and citizens.

The corpses that judges raise from the dead are citizens because in legalese "citizens" can be defined as "persons". Black's Law Dictionary (5th edition) defines the word person using these exact words:

In general usage, a human being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include a firm, labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers. National Labor Relations Act, § 2(1). [Bold emphasis added]

Judges of commercial courts are trained to presume that you are a dead citizen, also known in legalese as a person or corporation, which is why your legal name is written in all capital letters, just like the all caps name on gravestones.

What most people do not know about these commercial courts is that they operate under Satan's Law. Satan rules the kingdom of the dead and therefore judges and attorneys of commercial courts are employees of Satan. This does not mean that they are evil.

The living and the dead relies on each other to thrive, similar to how reality needs light and darkness to exist. The problem is that the dead, such as corporations, has been excessively expanding its jurisdiction by tricking living men and women to act in the capacity of dead entities, such as persons and corporations. To prevent this, living men and women have to learn how to use words wisely, so they can exercise their God-given rights, allowing them to protect their kingdom of the living from the dead.

One of the ways that the dead tricks living men and women to act in the capacity of dead entities is by using attorneys to attorn or turn them away from God's Law, allowing the dead to trick living men and women to live under Satan's Law. Remember, the word attorney is strongly connected to the word attorn, meaning "to transfer homage or allegiance to another lord". The lord of attorney is Satan, also known as the Devil. This is why attorneys are sometimes called "devil's advocates".

To connect the dots, when you hire an attorney to represent you in court, you temporarily agree to turn away from God's Law and live under Satan's Law. This allows the dead to have jurisdiction over you. Satan does not mind having his attorneys helping you; however, Satan always wants something in return. So, when you hire an attorney, be careful what you wish for.

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For more information related to this article–video, visit my Rumble channel and YouTube channel. Furthermore, read my enlightening books The LOVE of Money is EVOL and Word Magic: Born Again.

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