Recent Articles

Why Words are the Most Powerful Weapons for Protecting You from the False Gods

| May 26, 2018

(Private Article) A false belief that many people have is the belief that subtle and small things are weak and have little power to change anything. Because of this, when they compare themselves to the world and the Universe, they believe that they are too small to change anything. This false belief is ingrained so deeply in their minds that it prevents them from seeing how powerful words are. At the surface, words may not look powerful, but beneath the surface they are full of energy that has the magic power to change reality and create worlds.

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The Secret Meaning of Identity and Why Your Identification (I.D.) Represents a Persona

| May 12, 2018

(Private Article) The word identity is a very important word to innerstand because it plays a very important role in your life, especially if you live in or near a city and rely heavily on the government. If you have a strong passion for freedom and sovereignty, you need to meticulously study the word identity because it contains knowledge that can prevent the government from having jurisdiction over you. Furthermore, learning what the word identity means on an esoteric level can help free your mind from the artificial matrix, which is an artificial reality created to prevent you from seeing the truth.

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The Zombie-Like Lives of Sheeple from Birth to Death and Why Sheeple are the Walking Dead

| April 21, 2018

(Private Article) Many people throughout the world are waking up to the fact that they have been acting and living like sheeple. This is mostly a good thing because it gives us more opportunities to change the world and make it a better place. However, even though they are waking up, they have little or no clue as to how deep they have fallen down the valley of the shadow of death, a valley full of self-serving thought-form entities that are waiting for them like hungry wolves. This article will show you proof that most people are acting and living like sheeple and are far from being really “awake”.

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The Dirty Secrets of Banks and Debt Collectors: A Step-by-Step Handbook on How to Stop Debt Collectors from Harassing You and Taking You to Court

| April 15, 2018

The Dirty Secrets of Banks and Debt Collectors is a step-by-step handbook that teaches you empowering spiritual knowledge about money and debt. It also teaches you dirty secrets of the debt industry that debt collectors and banks do not want you to know. This handbook is 30 pages because it is designed to quickly teach you how to write and use letters to stop debt collectors from harassing you with phone calls and letters. The letter templates in this handbook are full of very empowering words that have the power to nullify all complaints from debt collectors, stopping them from taking you to court.

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The Occult Meaning of Spelling: Why the Art of Spelling is a Form of Magic

| April 7, 2018

(Private Article) The word spelling is a very interesting word to investigate because there are so many secrets hidden inside it. By just looking at its root word spell, we subconsciously and intuitively know that it has a strong connection to magic spells. Whenever a word has a strong connection to magic spells, it can be used to affect your mind without your knowledge. This will become obvious as you read the words in this article. To solve some of the mysteries of the word spelling, we need to investigate some of its origins and definitions. To be more specific, we need to investigate the origins and definitions of its root word spell. Knowing the origins and definitions of its root word will give us the foundation to see the connection between spelling and magic spells.

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The Secret Meaning of the Vicar of Christ: Why the Pope is the “Daddy” of Citizens and Non-Sovereigns

| March 24, 2018

(Private Article) The title “Vicar of Christ” is a very important title to investigate because it contains certain important knowledge that can empower you to achieve spiritual freedom and solve the mystery as to why the pope is sometimes called the Vicar of Christ. To solve the mystery of the Vicar of Christ, we need to use certain esoteric and occult knowledge, and the art of word magic to help us decipher the words “vicar” and “Christ”. To start our journey to solve this mystery, let us investigate the word vicar first.

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The Esoteric Meaning of Law: Why the Laws of the Legal System Are Not True Laws and How to Nullify Them Using the Power of Natural Law

| March 17, 2018

(Private Article) When it comes to spiritual freedom and sovereignty, one of the most important knowledge you need to learn is the esoteric meaning of law. The word law is a very important word to investigate and study, because learning what it means on an esoteric and spiritual level will help you innerstand why nearly all laws created by man are not true laws. Of all the words I have deciphered on, the word law is one of the most important words you need to really innerstand. Because of this, it would be wise for you to read this article thoroughly and spend a good amount of time studying its important words.

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The Esoteric Meaning of Record and Register: Why It Is Not Always Wise to Register Your Property

| March 2, 2018

(Private Article) In this article, I will take you on a short journey to explore and investigate the words record and register. During this journey, I will show you how to use the art of anagram and word magic to thoroughly dissect and examine the words record and register and other words related to them. By investigating the words meticulously, you will learn important information to help you decipher the words to find their esoteric meaning. When it comes to your rights and property, the words register and record are two of the many important words that you need to innerstand and use wisely. When you do not know how to use them wisely, the government and legal system can use them to take away your property. Depending on how the words are used, they can either free you from the jurisdiction of the government or bind you to it.

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Why You Are a King and How the Vatican Tricks You to Surrender Your Crown

| February 22, 2018

Every man was born with natural rights and the power to sovereignly choose to become a king. Sadly, the so-called leaders of mankind lack motivation to support an education system that teaches people how to exercise their natural rights, and think, act, and be sovereign. One of the reasons that they do not like to support that kind of education system is because when people know how to exercise their natural rights and be sovereign, they rely less on their leaders to act and make decisions for them. In other words, when people become really responsible and knowledgeable, they do not need leaders to represent them, which in turn causes their leaders to lose the power to rule over them.

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The Spiritual Man Behind and Why It Is Important to Know Who You Really Are

| February 15, 2018

(Private Article) Since I created this website in May 2017, some people have emailed me asking certain personal questions about me, so for this week I made the decision to write a short biography of me and explain why it is important for you to know who you really are. One of the most important things you can ever do in life is to know your mind, body, and spirit. This can be achieved through knowledge, contemplation, experience, and meditation. After reading this article, you will know why it is essential to know who you really are. Know thyself and you will know the Universe and what it really means to be free and sovereign.

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