Recent Articles

The Power of Words and Symbols: Why Words Can Program DNA and Change Your Perception of Reality

| January 7, 2019

(Private Article) Some people believe that words and symbols rule the world. Is there some truth to this belief? Words and symbols by themselves have little power; however, when they are given attention and allowed to interact with the mind, they have the power to stimulate ideas and reprogram the mind. Because of this, words and symbols can be used to control your mind and change your perception of reality.

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The Occult Meaning of Money: Is Money the Root of All Evil?

| November 30, 2018

(Private Article) What is money? When asked this question, most people often imagine money as paper money, coin, or some sort of medium of exchange. This view of money is not totally wrong, but it prevents people from innerstanding what money is on a spiritual level. Before I tell you what money is on a deeper level, we need to investigate the word money meticulously. By investigating the word money in a thorough manner, we will acquire certain important information, allowing us to innerstand what money is on a spiritual level. Let us start the investigation by reading and studying several definitions of money.

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The Secret Meaning of Petition and Why It Is Not Wise to Create and Sign a Petition

| November 14, 2018

(Private Article) Many people think that a petition is an effective way to create change and make a difference. Petitions can create change but the change is often not empowering to the soul and spirit. This is especially true in a society where the government and most of the people are irresponsible. What most people do not know about petitions is that they can be used to prevent them from achieving freedom and sovereignty. To learn how petitions can be used to diminish people’s freedom, we need to investigate the word petition and decipher its several definitions.

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The Fall of Man and How to Exercise the Power of God’s Law

| November 1, 2018

(Private Article) In order to exercise the power of God’s Law effectively, it is necessary that you know who you really are and live under God’s Law. Furthermore, it is essential that you do not commit transgressions against God and violate His Ten Commandments. In addition, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you have committed transgressions against God, you ought to seriously repent and not do them again.

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The Power of Words and Esoteric Freedom – Seminar

| October 17, 2018

(Private Article) The Power of Words and Esoteric Freedom is the title of a private seminar that I did on October 13, 2018 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. During this seminar, I took attendees on a short journey to explore how words shaped and created their reality and the importance of esoteric freedom. Below is the online version of my seminar. If you are interested in coming to my seminars, visit my recent Meetup group (EFS).

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The Secret Meaning of Income: Shocking Secrets of the IRS and Income Tax

| October 3, 2018

(Private Article) Do you have an income? If you answer “yes” to this question, after reading this article, you will most likely never look at income the same way again. The word income does not sound like a deceptive word, but when you learn its hidden and legal meaning, you should know how it can be used to trick you to do something that diminishes your natural rights.

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How Agents and Officers of the Court Use Word Magic and Negative Words to Trick You to Agree to an Offer

| September 19, 2018

(Private Article) Negative words are words that people like to use almost every day, yet most people have very little knowledge of how powerful they are. When used wisely, negative words have the power to negate false claims, or express negative intentions and actions. In the legal system, negative words are often used by commercial courts to trick people to give up some of their rights, allowing their agents and officers to have jurisdiction over them.

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The Esoteric and Secret Meaning of Angel: Are Angels the Messengers of God?

| August 21, 2018

(Private Article) Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many stories of angels performing miracles and helping man to communicate with God. Because of those stories, angels are often viewed as benevolent beings and messengers of God. Today, the concept of angels can be found in many religious stories and millions, if not billions, of people believe that angels are celestial and light beings from heaven. This article will take you on a short journey to explore what angels are and how they can help you achieve spiritual freedom and enlightenment. To start the journey, we will first explore and investigate the word angel and its several definitions. To innerstand something, one of the first things we need to do is study the words and definitions used to symbolize and define that thing, allowing us to acquire important knowledge to help us find its esoteric and secret meaning.

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The Secret Meaning of Citizen: Why You Need to Stop Claiming and Agreeing to Be a Citizen or Sovereign-Citizen

| August 6, 2018

(Private Article) Are you a citizen? If you answer “yes” to this question, after reading this article, you will most likely never look at the status of a citizen the same way again. Even if you answer “no” to the question, the information in this article may give you answers to some important questions that you have been contemplating for a long time. Best of all, you will know how to use certain powerful words, making it very hard for corporations to diminish your freedom.

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The Secret Meaning of Author: Should You Write the Word By Right Before Your Signature?

| July 23, 2018

(Private Article) When it comes to authority and rights, the word author is one of the most powerful words that you need to know how to use wisely. This word is powerful because you can use it to claim ownership of your property and authority over your life. Because of this, the word author can be used to help you achieve freedom and sovereignty. To learn how powerful the word author is, you need to investigate its origin and study its etymological definition.

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