Recent Articles

The Revealing of the Nightmare and the Great Awakening

| October 12, 2023

The nightmare is the false reality used by Satan and his demonic spirits to imprison mankind. Some of the causes of this false reality are mind viruses, which are artificial programs that infect the mind with malicious programs. When the mind is infected with these programs, they cause the mind to project a reality filled with fear, evil, death, ignorance, greed, suffering, and sickness. God is now removing the veil, so people can see the truth, allowing them to wake up from the nightmare.

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Public Law 97-280: The Bible Is the Word of God

| September 27, 2023

Public Law 97-280 is one of the most important laws ever passed by Congress. This law acknowledges that the Bible is the Word of God. On a deeper level, Congress acknowledges that the laws of the Bible supersede the laws of the government. Learn why Public Law 97-280 is so powerful and how it can be used to defend and exercise your God-given rights.

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The War Between Good and Evil

| September 19, 2023

The war between good and evil has been going on for millennia. This war has manifested many painful and heinous experiences into the world. The good news is that evil has already lost the war but there are still small battles that we need to overcome. God is allowing these small battles to continue to give man time to choose between good and evil. That time to choose will not last forever and will come to an end in the near future.

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Fulfilled Prophecy: The Name of the Messiah Is Hidden in Isaiah 53

| August 23, 2023

According to many biblical scholars, the Book of Isaiah was written around 700 BC. Hidden in this sacred book is a prophecy that predicts the name of the Messiah. To access the prophecy, you need to use an ancient decoding method to decipher the codes hidden in the Book of Isaiah. This video will show you how to access some of the prophecies hidden in the Book of Isaiah, allowing you to see the hidden messages of God.

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The Power of Words: How Your Words Create Your Reality

| July 24, 2023

Words have the power to program your mind and change your reality. This is because your mind works like a computer. Every computer relies on programs to operate properly. Without programs, which are made of symbols (e.g., words, letters, and numbers), computers cannot perform tasks. Likewise, your mind relies on programs to create your reality. Because of this, the words you allow to enter your mind will affect your perception of reality.

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Salvation: How to Know You Are Saved From the Curse of Sin

| July 12, 2023

Many people are unaware that they are imprisoned in the kingdom of death because of sin. To make matters worse, many Christians do not know for sure that they are saved, causing doubt to destroy their faith. In this video, Robert and I will show you how to know for sure that you are saved, so you can live your life with the assurance of knowing that you have the gift of eternal life.

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Why All Sinners Are Debtors

| June 30, 2023

Let us go on a short journey to explore why all sinners are debtors. By the end of this journey, you will know why all sinners are prisoners of the realm of the dead and how sinners can free themselves from the law that condemns them to death and eternal punishment.

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Are You a Son and Heir of God?

| June 21, 2023

What does it mean to be a son and heir of God? To find some of the answers to that question, we need to delve into the New Testament and read some of its verses. By reading and studying these verses, you will know what it means to be a son and heir of God. Furthermore, you will know how to receive the gift of sonship, which is necessary for you to claim the inheritance of God.

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The Legal Name Game: Given Name vs. Surname and the Living vs. the Dead (Video)

| June 7, 2023

The legal name is one of the most powerful tools used by the government to control you. Because of this, it is very important that you learn how to use it wisely. The legal name is not the name given to you by your mother and father. It is a corporate name created by combining your given name and surname into a compound noun or compound name.

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How the Word Became Flesh (Video)

| May 24, 2023

God used words and the power of sound to manifest the universe. This is why all matter contains vibration. Learn how the Word traveled from the spiritual realm to the physical realm to become flesh and dwell among mankind. “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14, NKJV).

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