Recent Articles

Why Words Can “Cut” Your Soul and Are More Powerful Than Swords

| September 2, 2017 | Reply

For millennia, tyrannical governments controlled by the Elite or Dark Magicians have used swords and other physical weapons to enslave people. What the Dark Magicians have known for a long time is that physical weapons (e.g., swords and guns) are not the best tools to use for controlling and enslaving people. The reason is that when their agents use physical weapons to enslave people, it makes it hard for them to hide the fact that they are forcing people to be slaves.

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How to Nullify a Garnishment Summons Using the Power of Natural Law

| August 27, 2017 | Reply

(Private Article) Before I tell you how to nullify a garnishment summons, I need to explain to you what a debt is and why nearly all legal debts are fraudulent. To innerstand what a debt is, you need to know the process of how debt is created. Once you know how a debt is created, you will know why there is nothing shameful about not paying a bank debt that is fraudulent.

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Why the Power of Natural Law Can Nullify Magic Spells

| August 18, 2017 | 1 Reply

(Private Article) Did you know all legal contracts contain magic spells? If you have been reading my articles about word magic, you should know that all words have magic power. One of the reasons that they have magic power is because they were created using certain occult knowledge. For example, many of the letters of the alphabet were created based on certain sacred sounds and symbols of Nature.

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How Words Create Worlds and Why Words Make the World Whirl and Whir

| August 12, 2017

(Private Article) Words make the world whirl or go round because without words human society will not be able to communicate effectively. When people can not communicate effectively, they have a hard time working in cooperation and their ability to perform well together is dramatically reduced. When people can not work and perform well together, the flow of the economy becomes heavily out of sync, causing economic and social disruptions throughout the world.

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Why It Is Important to Be Conscious of Your Thoughts and Actions

| August 5, 2017 | Reply

(Private Article) To really innerstand why it is important to be conscious of your thoughts and actions, you need to know what thought is. There is no words to describe what thought really is, but that does not mean that you cannot innerstand and know what thought is.

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The Esoteric Meaning of Human and Why It Is Important to Use Words Wisely

| July 29, 2017 | Reply

(Private Article) Man lives in a world ruled by words. Because of this, if you want to prevent words from ruling over you, you need to be aware of the esoteric and occult (hidden) meaning of words. The words you need to pay close attention to are the words commonly used in the legal system, such as the words person, corporation, legal and lawful. By not being aware of the esoteric and hidden meaning of words, it is nearly impossible for you to use words wisely, making you vulnerable to being manipulated and controlled by the people working in high positions of power.

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The Occult Meaning of Washington D.C. and Why Secret Societies Are Obsessed with Ancient Gods and Goddesses

| July 22, 2017 | Reply

(Private Article) Many people in the USA and throughout the world are aware that the acronym D.C. in the name “Washington D.C.” stands for the District of Columbia and the word Washington is the surname of the “first” President (George Washington) of the United States of America. What most people do not know about George Washington is that he was not the first President of the United States of America. However, he was the first President of the United States of America under the Constitution of 1789. Another important information that most people do not know about George Washington is the fact that he was a high-level Freemason and had a strong connection to the British royal family.

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The Hidden Meaning of Corporation: Why It Is Not Always a Good Idea to Incorporate Your Business

| July 14, 2017

(Private Article) When building a traditional business, people often incorporate their business because they think it gives them certain government benefits and protection. Although it is true that incorporating a business has certain benefits, the benefits are not always worth the risk, especially when the government is tyrannical and corrupt. If you know how to defend your natural rights, depending on the nature of your business, you may be better off not incorporating your business. By the end of this article, you will know why it is not always wise to incorporate your business.

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The Occult Meaning of Mortgage: Why a Mortgage Is a Pledge to the Dead

| July 6, 2017

Owning a nice home is a dream that most people have. Deep down, nearly everyone wants to live in a nice home. One of the main obstacles that prevents most people from owning a home of their dream is the high cost. Depending where people live today, a regular house can cost a few hundred thousand dollars. Because houses are so expensive, most people need to get a specific type of loan from a bank to pay for the house they want to live in. This type of loan is called a mortgage. What most people do not know about a mortgage is that it is designed to enslave them with fictitious debt, allowing the banksters to collect money from them and give it to their masters (the Dark Magicians). The main purpose of this deception is to trick people to give some of their life force energy to the Dark Magicians through the magical medium called paper currency.

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The Magic Power of Words: Why the World Is Dominated by Words

| June 29, 2017

(Private Article) Since the day you were born, you have been conditioned to rely heavily on words to communicate. This has caused you to rely less on your higher senses, causing them to become weak and dormant. The process of using words to communicate does not require you to strongly use your higher senses; therefore the longer you use words to communicate, you depend less on your higher senses and rely more on your lower senses to express your thoughts and ideas to other people, allowing words to significantly affect your perception of reality. Today, we rely so much on words to communicate that it is estimated that the average person speaks more than 7,000 words a day. Even though we hear and speak words everyday, most of us have little or no clue as to how powerful words are. What most people do not know about words is that they can be used to cast magic spells. Because of this, they are very effective for deceiving and controlling the human mind.

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