Recent Articles

How to Return Dunning letters and Respond to Debt Collectors: Why Nearly All Legal Debts of Today Are Fraudulent

| February 8, 2018

(Private Article) Debt is one of the most effective tools used by banks, courts, governments, and religious institutions to enslave you. Because of this, if you are serious about achieving freedom and sovereignty, you need to learn how to free yourself from debt. All debts, especially debts created by the fractional reserve banking system, are parasitic and therefore are very effective for draining your energy.

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The Esoteric Meaning of Attorney and Power of Attorney: Why It Is Not Wise to Hire an Attorney to Represent You

| January 23, 2018

(Private Article) The word attorney is an important word to innerstand deeply because knowing what this word means on an esoteric level can empower you to avoid making the mistake of allowing an agent of the Crown to present you to the court as a legal fiction, also known as a “person” in legalese. In law, a legal fiction is nothing more than an imaginary and fictional character with no natural rights. To innerstand the word attorney on a deep level, you need to use the art of word magic to decipher it and study its esoteric and hidden meanings. Most people know that the word attorney is used to describe someone who practices the law of the legal system. According to, the word attorney means “a lawyer; attorney-at-law” or “an attorney-in-fact; agent.” To find the esoteric meaning of the word attorney, you need to use a law dictionary to study the legal definitions of attorney and use the art of anagram to dissect the word attorney.

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How You Were Tricked to Live in the Land of the Legally Dead

| January 12, 2018

The current reality of man is heavily controlled by words. As a result of that, words play a big role in shaping the reality and culture of man. Besides shaping the reality and culture of man, words also play an important role in trade. Some of the most important words used in the business of trading goods and services are related to the name. Your name plays a very important role in your life because it allows others to identify you and communicate with you. Furthermore, it allows you to operate in the realm of commerce and fiction, making it easier for you to trade goods and services with people not living close to you.

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Sovereign, Sovereignty and Natural Law: How You Lost Your Kingdom of God

| January 8, 2018

(Private Article) Sovereignty is a principle that is becoming more popular every day. In fact, over the past decade, people’s interest in sovereignty has increased significantly. One of the major reasons that people are becoming more interested in sovereignty is that many governments are usurping their property and rights and operating like they are above the law. This is causing many people to seek knowledge to help them achieve freedom and sovereignty. It is exciting to see more people seeking knowledge of sovereignty and taking charge of their lives. The uncomfortable side to this excitement is that many people do not innerstand what sovereignty is, causing them to live in a state of delusion and give up their kingdom of God to the government.

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The Hidden Agenda of Bonds, Birth Certificates and the Cestui Que Vie Trust

| December 4, 2017 | Reply

(Private Article) To find the hidden agenda of bonds and birth certificates, you need to investigate the terms bond and birth certificate meticulously by studying their origins and different definitions. You also need to decipher the words related to those two terms. Learning how to decipher words is essential for helping you find the hidden agenda of bonds and birth certificates. In addition to learning how to decipher words, you need to study how the legal system uses bonds to bind people to contractual terms.

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Be Wary of Words! Their Spells and Appearances Can Control Your Thoughts

| October 30, 2017

Words, words, words, are what people see every day, but I do not see words like most people. What I see are worlds, worlds, worlds, and spells, spells, spells. Today, we live in a world dominated by words, which are magic spells that can be used to hypnotize the minds of people. All words have magic properties because they were created based on occult knowledge. To be more specific, they were designed based on sacred geometry and sacred sound. Furthermore, many of them were charged with magic intention.

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Magicians and Their Masters Rule the World, Not Politicians, Lawyers, Bankers, Aristocrats and Monarchs

| October 9, 2017

(Private Article) Most people are unaware that there exist very small groups of men and women who are obsessed with using the art of dark magic (magick) to gain power over others. I often refer to these men and women as the Dark Magicians. These magicians like to do their work in secrecy and in the dark, because their agenda to rule the world can only be achieved through stealth and deceptive techniques. Some of the organizations that they created to help them rule the world are secret societies. The secret societies created by the Dark Magicians have existed for thousands of years and have been heavily involved in the rise and fall of most nations. Even today, they are heavily involved in creating and destroying nations. Be aware that I am not saying that all secret societies were created by the Dark Magicians. Furthermore, not every secret society wants to rule the world.

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The Power of Natural Law: Why It Can Nullify and Eliminate All Debts

| September 21, 2017

Debt is a subject that many of us do not like to talk about, because it is often stressful to think about how much debt we have. Today, we live in a world where debt has become such a big problem that it is impossible for the current generation to pay it off. The good news is that there are effective methods to nullify debt. One of them involves the power of Natural Law. This method is one of the most effective and powerful methods, but is not commonly used due to the fact that most people do not innerstand how to exercise the power of Natural Law.

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The Hidden or Occult Meaning of Dictionary: Why Dictionaries Are Record and Spell Books

| September 17, 2017 | Reply

(Private Article) The dictionary is one of the most important books for helping you solve the puzzle of the Matrix, which is the artificial reality used by the Dark Forces to enslave your body, mind and soul. In my opinion, all families need to have a few different dictionaries in their home, especially etymology and law dictionaries. Besides etymology and law dictionaries, I highly encourage you to get an old Webster dictionary. This dictionary is important for helping you innerstand the spiritual and deeper meaning of many words. Because of this, it is very useful for helping you decipher the content in the Bible.

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What Is the Government? Why Government Means to Rule the Mind

| September 10, 2017 | Reply

(Private Article) Do you know what the government really is? You might think this is a silly question but after reading this article, you will most likely agree with me that nearly all people have no or little clue as to what the government really is. One of the main reasons that nearly all people do not know what the government really is, is because they have been indoctrinated at an early age to think that the government is there to take care of them. Throughout people’s lives the education system and mainstream media have taught them that the government is their authority or “parent”, so they need to listen to the government. As a result of that, most people actually think that the government is a living thing and has power over them. In reality the government is a concept, which is an idea that exists in their minds. For this reason, it has no authority over them as living men and women.

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