The Secret Power of a Name (Article–Video)

| December 14, 2019

By Pao Chang, author of

Below is the transcript of the video. Please be aware that the transcript does not have all the information in the video.

Hi and welcome to my channel EsotericKnowledge. My name is Pao and I am the living man who is peaceable and spiritual and has God-given rights. In this thought-provoking video, I am going to share with you some empowering information about names. To comprehend this information on a deeper level, let us go on a magical journey to explore the secret power of names.

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,
Loving favor rather than silver and gold. (Proverbs 22:1, NKJV)

To be given a name can be a blessing or a curse. When you know how to use your name wisely, it can help you achieve freedom, wealth, and prosperity. However, when you do not know how to use it properly, it can be used to enslave your mind and body.

When you were born, your father and mother gave you a name. This name is known to the public as your given name (first name). Your given name is often coupled with your family name. When they are written next to each other, they are known as your full name. In English, the proper way to write your full name is to capitalize the initial letter of the given name and the family name. For example, "John Doe" or "John Henry Doe" is the proper way to write a full name in English. However, in law, a true full name is usually written with the family name first, coupled with the given name. This may not be true in all states.

It is important to know that your full name can be used by the government to create many names that are derived from your full name. These names are called derivative names and one of them is used to create your full legal name. This legal name is often written in all capital letters (e.g., JOHN DOE) and is the name recorded on your birth certificate. This certificate is a stock certificate of a corporation and therefore is evidence of your beneficial interest in a corporation (e.g., United States). For more information about birth certificates, watch my video Shocking Secrets About Births and Birth Certificates.

Please be aware that your full name and legal name are NOT one and the same, strictly speaking. Therefore, in order for you to know how to use your full name and legal name wisely, you need to know why they are different. Furthermore, it is important that you know why your legal name is often written in all capital letters.

Your true full name is a genuine name; it is genuine in the sense that it is the name used to represent the real you, the living man or woman made of flesh and blood. However, this does not mean that you and your true full name are one and the same. Names are symbols of things and therefore cannot be the things themselves. As for your legal name, it is a name of a legal fiction. This legal fiction has similar characteristics as the real you; however, it is an imaginary person that is dead. Because it is imaginary and dead, it is not you, the living man or woman made of flesh and blood.

To be more specific, your legal name is the name used by the government to attach your identity (set of characteristics) to a legal fiction, allowing the government to identify you. This makes it easier for you to do business with corporations (e.g., governments and banks). However, corporations like to use your legal name as a tool to control you, so it is wise to learn how to use your legal name wisely. Furthermore, it is important that you study some of the legal definitions of a full legal name.

Full legal name means an individual's first name, middle name(s), and last name or surname, without use of initials or nicknames. []

In law, the legal fiction named with your legal name is a corporation. Therefore, your legal name is the name of a corporate entity (corporation). The word corporation is legally defined as "an artificial person" and therefore is an imaginary character that is dead in law. Because your legal name is the name of a dead character, it is often written in all capital letters (e.g., JOHN DOE), just like the all caps name on a gravestone. When you really think about it, the legal fiction (dead character) thereof is your doppelganger, meaning "a ghostly double".

In order for you to have a deeper understanding of what a name is, you need to study some common definitions of the word name. You also need to study some of its legal and lawful definitions. defines the word name using these words:

1. a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known.

2. mere designation, as distinguished from fact: He was a king in name only.

3. an appellation, title, or epithet, applied descriptively, in honor, abuse, etc.

4. a reputation of a particular kind given by common opinion: to protect one's good name.

5. a distinguished, famous, or great reputation; fame: to make a name for oneself.

A Dictionary of Law (1889) defines the word name using these words:

A designation by which a person, natural or artificial, is known.

A man's name, as the synonym of his power and personality, is often put for the man himself. Thus, an agent is said to buy "in the name" of his principal when he buys for him, declaring his agency. A man invests "in his own name" (as executor) when he invests openly for himself, though he only receives evidence (bonds) of the investment.

A Law Dictionary (Bouvier, 1862) defines the word name using these words:

One or more words used to distinguish a particular individual, as Socrates, Benjamin Franklin.

Names are divided into Christian names, as, Benjamin, and surnames, as, Franklin.

No man can have more than one Christian name; 1 Ld. Raym. 562; Bac. Ab. Misnomer, A; though two or more names usually kept separate, as John and Peter, may undoubtedly be compounded, so as to form, in contemplation of law, but one. 5 T. R. 195. ...

Here is the definition of the word name, according to Black's Law Dictionary (sixth edition):

The designation of an individual person, or of a firm or corporation. Word or combination of words used to distinguish person or thing or class from others. Wilty v. Jefferson Parish Democratic Executive Commitee, 245 La. 145, 157 So.2d 718, 723.

A person's "name" consists of one or more Christian or given names and one surname or family name. It is the distinctive characterization in words by which one is known and distinguished from others, and description, or abbreviation, is not the equivalent of a "name."

An important word that has a strong connection to the word "name" is "signature". A signature is commonly used to make a legal document valid. Black's Law Dictionary (sixth edition) defines the word signature using these words: "The name or mark of a person, written by that person at his or her direction. In commercial law, any name, word, or mark used with the intention to authenticate a writing constitutes a signature." It is important to know that the act of signing your name on a document transforms your name into your signature. This signature can be used to bind you to the terms and conditions of a legal document.

According to, the word signature is derived from the Medieval Latin word signatura, meaning "a signing". The root word of "signature" is "sign". According to the same online dictionary, sign is derived from the Latin word signare, meaning "to mark with a sign, inscribe, affix a seal to" (bold emphasis added). A word that has a strong connection to the words "signature" and "sign" is "sigil". The word sigil is defined by as "seal, signet" or "a sign, word, or device held to have occult power in astrology or magic" (bold emphasis added). Etymologically, it means "a sign, mark, or seal".

When you do not know how to exercise your God-given rights and use your name wisely, your signature can be used to mark you with signs/sigils. This process of marking you with signs/sigils can be used to magically convert you into a name. In civil law, a name, or more specifically, a nomen (second name), is a debtor which is a dead entity with no God-given rights. One of the origins of the word name is the Latin word nomen. Black's Law Dictionary (sixth edition) defines the word nomen using these words:

In the civil law, a name; the name, style, or designation of a person. Properly, the name showing to what gens or tribe he belonged, as distinguished from his own individual name (the proenomen), from his surname or family name (cognomen), and from any name added by way of a descriptive title (agnomen). The name or style of a class or genus of persons or objects. A debt or a debtor. [Bold emphasis added]

Phonetically, the word debt sounds similar to the word dead. A debt is dead and created for the dead; therefore, when you get a debt you commit a sin, and when you pay a debt you nullify a sin. Hence, the Bible verse Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death". Sin is debt/dead/death. even defines the word debt using these exact words: "sin, trespass".

When you are not in control of your name and lack the knowledge to use it wisely, corporations (e.g., governments and banks) can use it to convert you (the living man or woman) into an artificial person (e.g., corporation and name). This conversion can be used to turn you into a legal fiction with the all caps name, converting you into a debtor of the dead. Black's Law Dictionary (sixth edition) defines the word debtor using these words:

One who owes a debt to another who is called the creditor; one who may be compelled to pay a claim or demand; anyone liable on a claim, whether due or to become due. First Nat. Bank & Trust Co. in Macon v. Kunes, 128 Ga.App. 565, 197 S.E.2d 446, 449.

As a debtor, you are considered dead in law. Because of this, the legal name used to represent you (debtor) is written in all capital letters (e.g., JOHN DOE). It is written in all capital letters because it has been securitized and turned into "capital", such as a stock of a corporation. defines the word capital using these exact words: "the wealth, whether in money or property, owned or employed in business by an individual, firm, corporation, etc." It is interesting to know that Webster's Complete Dictionary of the English Language (1886) defines the word capitalize using these exact words: "To convert into capital, as money or stock" (bold emphasis added). By converting "you" into "capital", it allows corporations to sell your energy on the stock market to pay off debts.

Capital. Accumulated goods, possessions, and assets, used for the production of profits and wealth. Owners' equity in a business. Often used equally correctly to mean the total assets of a business. Sometimes used to mean capital assets. [Black's Law Dictionary (sixth edition)]

The good news is that when you learn how to take control of your given name and legal name, and take action to claim them as your property, you can prevent corporations from converting you (the living man or woman made of flesh and blood) into a debtor of the dead. To learn how to take control of your given name and legal name, study knowledge that teaches you how to use words and names wisely. Furthermore, learn how to create a Certificate of Assumed Name and record it at a land recording office. You may also need to learn how to fill out an application for registration of fictitious name. If done correctly, these documents can help separate you (the living man or woman made of flesh and blood) from your legal name.

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